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8 ways on how to use Canva for ultimate design success

May 11, 2023

When you’ve created a blog post, or drafted up a social media post, chances are you’ll need a stylish design to go with it. If you’re not a graphic designer by nature, then Canva is your go to design tool to use. 

This free to use, online graphic design platform is built for beginners and allows you to create all types of different designs including social media posts, presentations, posters, business cards, logos and much more. You can use illustrations and icons to give your design an animated feel, which is one of the many reasons why Canva is a modern, popular and simple tool to use.

Keep reading for some Canva design tips and 8 ways on how to use Canva for ultimate design success.

1. Don’t be afraid of resizing

Sometimes, manipulating the size of a certain element of your design can add emphasis, and highlight the key points that you want to get across. It can sometimes act as a visual onomatopoeia. This comes in useful when designing things like infographics, where you want to display a range of information in a way that is easy to understand and for your audience. 

2. Use colours wisely

When you’re choosing your colour scheme, make sure you choose colours that relate to your topic. For instance, if you’re creating a design about a happy subject, don’t use negative colours. All colours have a connotation and a meaning, so do some research before choosing your colours. 

Fast food chains often use the colours red and yellow in their logos. With McDonalds for example, the golden arches can be seen from far in the distance which entices customers in because their minds are thinking about their food. The size, however, is not the key point in being able to see the sign. It’s the colour. Having a bright yellow sign draws you in even quicker than how big the sign is.

3. Use modern, relatable fonts

Fonts can help you massively in getting your point across. Sans serif fonts are modern, whereas serif fonts (the older looking ones) are more traditional. The weight of the font can also have an impact on your design, so make sure the fonts you choose relate to your subject. If you’re using multiple typefaces, try to choose fonts that are in the same family. This makes it easier for your audience to read and allows your design to have a continuous theme throughout.

4. Think simple

One of the most successful brands in the world is Apple. They have one of the most basic logos around, but it’s instantly recognisable. The same applies to Nike’s logo too. Their logo is designed so simply, but it’s extremely effective. 

Keeping fonts, colours and shapes to a minimum and simple, can make your design easily digestible. If you’re adding an element, ensure it has a reason to be in your design. Simplicity is key when it comes to creative designs, and especially so when designing logos.

5. Stay away from clichés

Whatever you do in your work, don’t use clichés. Be unique with your designs and make your work different. If you use clichés, ask yourself, how many people will have produced something similar? And remember, you may not get the recognition you deserve. 

Creative people think outside the box, so avoid using overused icons, symbols and elements everyone uses. There’s no harm in doing a little research before you create a design to get inspiration and help you create something new and unique for your audience.

6. Use grid layouts to look more professional

Keeping text boxes, images and any other content you are using in an orderly form can work wonders for your design. Having images rotated all over the place can make it look messy, unorganised and you run the risk of people not taking your design seriously. If you want your audience to take your work seriously, then a grid-style layout will be extremely useful for you.

7. Embrace trying different things

At first, no idea is a bad idea. If you think of something, make a note of it and don’t be afraid to try it out. If it doesn’t work, you can try something else. The beauty of Canva is if you create something new and you don’t like it, you can simply hit the ‘undo’ button.

But remember, if you don’t try something, you’ll never know what the outcome could have been. If you do try it, and it doesn’t work out the way you wanted, you start to learn what works for your audience and it becomes a great learning experience.

8. Be unique with your designs

We’ve briefly touched on this, but being unique with your designs is what will set you apart from the rest. You want to push your creative abilities to achieve unique, original designs. Try and avoid hopping on to a trend, and create designs that correspond with your brand styling.

Being individual and true to yourself when it comes to your work, means you can put your own stamp on your designs and don’t simply end up becoming a sheep and follow the crowd. 

We can help with your creative needs

We hope we’ve provided you with some of the best Canva tips for your next design project. But, if you’re looking for a helping hand with your creative designs, get in touch with us today. Whether you need a new brochure creating, you’re looking to level up your packaging design or you’re simply looking for a logo and brand refresh, we can help.




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