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How to increase conversions for e-commerce websites

May 20, 2021

Optimization and conversion efficiency are phrases that are easy to come by but difficult to put into practice without a strategy and specific goals. To be straightforward, optimization is the method of making updates and tweaks to the website to improve it, make it more accessible, and make it more user-friendly.

Conversion rate enhancement refers to modifications you can make to your website to enable users to take the desired action, such as making a purchase, completing an opt-in process, or interacting with your content through feedback or social shares. You may have a platform of hundreds of visits each month, but those figures are meaningless if those visitors aren’t taking the action you intended.

Although there is no exact method for increasing the conversion rate, some guidelines follow to get you started. Here are the things to think about when it comes to turning visitor to a customer:

Increase the visibility of your products

Brand discoverability and general web search are critical aspects to running a business because you can’t trust the company to succeed if people can’t find what they’re looking for. Setting up a quick search feature with a keyword search to help consumers locate what they’re searching for using primary keywords is the easiest way to do this.

For example, by entering an online perfume shop, a customer should search for a dark perfume by merely typing in words “dark perfume,” and the search should immediately lead the customer to the desired product.

Single product pages for each item sold, along with the product’s description, images, and search tags, help customers find what they’re looking for while also improving overall navigation and SEO. To make it simpler for all, create a website that curates and shows user-generated content for the items being sold.

Make the switch to mobile

People are increasingly turning to mobile shopping because of its convenience. Since mobile visits have grown to account for a large portion of site traffic, it is critical that the website is simple to navigate on a small screen.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. To ensure that the customer journey is functional and enjoyable for your visitors, field test it on various mobile devices.

Let the checkout process go faster.

Ecommerce conversion optimization relies on coming up with a clever approach for increasing conversion rates. You can do this by streamlining the checkout process and making it easier for consumers to make purchasing decisions. Consider the case where your checkout process has so many steps, and your customers would take a long time to complete it. They would be very annoyed and want to leave the website right away.

You need a quick and simple checkout process with fewer steps to avoid losing potential customers and improve conversion rates.

Purchasers will feel satisfied and at ease during the checkout phase of the checkout process is streamlined in a few simple measures.

As a result, they will become regular visitors to your website, and your conversion rate will rise.

Make Use of High-Definition Visuals

Sales will not be guided solely by written text. You’ll also need high-resolution photos and videos.

Your graphics should provide the customer with as much detail about the product as possible. Simulate how a person would feel if they were holding the object in their hands.

Take pictures from both sides. Focus on specific specifics and functions. Demonstrate how the product works. Display the boots on someone’s feet on a trail if you’re selling hiking boots. Demonstrate how the product works with recordings.

When it comes to graphics, quality is crucial. Don’t just take a few sharp pictures in your warehouse with your smartphone. It’s well worth the money to hire a professional photographer.

Provide a variety of payment options

It is impossible to believe that everybody has a Visa or Mastercard. Even if accepting Amex and Discover is a little more expensive, you can get both significant credit and debit cards.

Even then, it won’t be enough. You must also consider alternative payment methods such as PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and others in today’s world.

Although we aren’t yet at the stage that you would embrace Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, it is considered in the future.

Everyone has a preferred method of payment. You don’t want the payment method to be a deterrent to people buying, whether for protection, convenience, or incentives.

Improve Page Speed

This is true for all aspects of your eCommerce site’s optimization, but speed is essential at checkout. According to HubSpot, each additional second of loading time results in a 7% drop in conversions. Consider using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights to run speed tests on your website. This method will not only show you where there are bugs, but it will also show you how to correct them technically.

When it comes to reducing the loading time, the approach should align with best practices for the design of your checkout page–clunky, data-heavy elements on the page, as well as unused plugins and restricted site-wide tools–should be primary targets to remove. Apply lazy loading to your images and reduce the file size of huge photos, particularly if your page has many of them.

Last Thoughts

There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to double your e-commerce conversion rates if you follow the tips and best practices outlined in this guide. Most of you will most likely be able to increase conversions even more.

As you can see from the data-driven insights I’ve provided, some tricks will automatically increase your conversion rates by 10% or 20%. When you continue to introduce more e-commerce conversion methods, the sky is the limit. If you need a little help getting there contact us now for any digital marketing needs. Our team have a wide range of skills designed to help you maximise your sales.




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