Would You Be Able to Spot Your Bing Audience?

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Would You Be Able to Spot Your Bing Audience?

BING is the second largest search engine, and growing. But what do you really know about its user demographics? And is it right for your company?

Well, Bing’s reach is global. Through Bing ads you can put your business in front of 621million unique searchers, representing 15 billion monthly searches in 35 countries stretching all four corners of the earth.

But what if your business isn’t international? In the UK alone Bing is a presence to be reckoned with. Over 29 million unique searchers conduct 765 million monthly searches on the search engine – making up an impressive 18% of the search market.

It’s possible that Bing users could be considered more valuable than their Google counterparts. Globally, BING network’s unique searchers spend 145% more online that the average internet searcher, and 44% more online than Google searchers. That means a whole lot more revenue.

So what does the typical Bing user look like? Compared to Google’s UK audience, Bing Network’s audience over-indexes on the following factors: users typically earn a mid to high income range (between £35K – £50K annually) and fall into the category of mature age groups (especially those 35+). If this fits your typical user demographic then you could be missing out on a goldmine.

Your typical Bing customer may be mobile-driven, so ensuring your website and landing pages are mobile optimised is a priority. 33% of Bing’s search volume comes straight from mobile queries, with 300 million searches from Android devices alone. In 2015 Bing’s mobile click-through-rate experienced a 63% increase – and this is only expected to grow.

Bing’s low cost-per-click pricing means that for many companies, it is becoming an even more profitable platform than Google Adwords. Can your business afford to miss out?

For help setting up your Bing campaign contact one of our team here.

Or why not enter our Bing competition to win a free set-up and £100 of credit? Deadline September 18.

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